
About us

About us

Who owns Smart-eHealth?

Smart-eHealth was developed and is operated by Applied Neurosciences Pty Ltd to help support the fund raising and research objectives of the Australian Autism ADHD Foundation. All Profits are donated to the Foundation to further research in ADHD and Autism treatment using nutritional and environmental medicine.

Why Smart-eHealth?

Pharmaceutical companies rule medicine on account of the practice of so-called “Evidence-Based Prescribing” of proprietary medicines, which are regulated by such authorities as Codex, FDA and TGA. There are few claims that can be made about nutritional products as they are deemed to not have the same level of “evidence based research”.

Nutritional Companies have been unable and unwilling to invest into the badly-needed research and publication of the effectiveness of their products on account of the high costs and specialised skills involved. Hence, the general public only hears of the successes of drugs and the “dangers” of nutrient supplements from the marketing machine of the Pharmaceutical Companies.

In a 2011 speech to Health Ministers, Dr. Margaret Chan, the then Director General of the WHO, described the non-communicable diseases as a “slow-motion catastrophe”. Warning member nations that the apparent success of medicine masked an “impending disaster”; and she urged a “change in policy towards prevention”. There is an urgent need to carry out research that supports the use of dietary changes and nutritional supplementation in the treatment of the non-communicable diseases.

The worldwide decrease in vitamins and minerals contents in our food chain has been clearly demonstrated; and as a European report warned, is having serious consequences for livestock and human health. In addition, the increased level of toxins in our food chain is overwhelming our detoxing ability, leading to cellular damage and genetic variations. These factors have a potential to promoting autism, ADHD, CFS and cancer.

Nutritional Companies and Complementary Medicine (CM) practitioners can change the tide by publishing papers demonstrating the effectiveness of their nutrients through the work that CM practitioners do every day with dietary changes and nutritional supplementation.

Smart-eHealth is a cloud-based Clinic Management System and research hub. It was designed to run clinics and promote the legitimacy of the products sold by nutritional companies and used by CM practitioners such as Naturopaths, GPs, Nutritionists, Psychologists and ‘enlightened’ Dieticians.

Smart-eHealth is the only system that allows for collaboration between Patients, Laboratories, Nutritional Companies, Practitioners and University Researchers. It enables the outcomes of day to day clinical practice to be pooled for pilot studies or potentially for large multicentre clinical trials. Participating practitioners can become more effective as Scientist-Practitioners.